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Program - October 20 (Thu)

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Time Program Chair / Speaker
09:00-09:10 Opening Remark Kun Suk Kim (Korea)
09:10-10:30 Urinary Tract Infection and Vesicoureteral Reflux Sang Won Han (Korea)
09:10-09:30 Asian Guideline of UTI Stephen Shei-Dei Yang (Taiwan)
09:30-09:50 Practical Approach of Bladder Bowel Dysfunction (BBD) Paul Austin (USA)
09:50-10:20 Panel Discussion
- Management of Recurrent UTI in Low Grade VUR and Mild BBD
- BBD Should Be Addressed First Fui-Boon Lai (Malaysia)
- VUR Should Be Addressed First Grahame Smith (Australia)
10:20-10:30 Free Paper: UTI/VUR and Miscellaneous
10:20-10:25 The Effect of Circumcision/Continuous Antibiotic Prophylaxis on Preventing the Recurrence of Febrile Urinary Tract Infection in Boys with Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux Yan Chen (China)
10:25-10:30 Idiopathic Bilateral Pampiniform Plexus Thrombosis in a Teenager Esther Ern Hwei Chan (Singapore)
10:30-10:35 Break
10:35-11:50 Obstructive Uropathy Grahame Smith (Australia)
10:35-10:55 New Approach to Diagnose UPJO Luis Braga (Canada)
10:55-11:15 Surgical Intervention of Duplex System: When to Intervene Youngjae Im (Korea)
11:15-11:35 Long-term Problems Following Lower Tract Obstruction in Infancy Philip Ransley (United Kingdom)
11:35-11:50 Free Paper: Obstructive Uropathy
11:35-11:40 External Validation of a Deep-learning Model for Segmentation of Kidney Outline and Hydronephrotic Area Outline in Kidney Ultrasonography Sang Hoon Song (Korea)
11:40-11:45 Comparison of Kidney Recovery Status According to the Period of Neonatal Pyeloplasty Youngjae Im (Korea)
11:45-11:50 Ureteral Morphology Recovery after Intravesical Reimplantation in Children with Primary Obstructive Megaureter Yan He (China)
11:50-11:55 Break
11:55-12:35 Fetal Urology Kun Suk Kim (Korea)
11:55-12:15 Fetal Intervention in Various Urological Problems Hye-Sung Won (Korea)
12:15-12:35 Intrauterine MMC Repair : Urological Perspective Antonio Macedo Jr. (Brazil)
12:35-13:25 Lunch
13:25-14:15 Urolithiasis Sajid Sultan (Pakistan)
13:25-13:45 Application of Best Nonsurgical or Surgical Approach to Pediatric Urolithiasis Sajid Sultan (Pakistan)
13:45-14:05 Technical Consideration of MiniPERC, RIRS Deok Hyun Han (Korea)
14:05-14:15 Free Paper: Urolithiasis and Miscellaneous
14:05-14:10 Does Amplatz Sheath Size Matter in Pediatric PCNL? A Single-center Study Sharjeel Saulat (Pakistan)
14:10-14:15 Penile Anthropometry Compared between Overweight or Obese and Non-overweight Children with Urological Diseases: A Cross-sectional Analytic Study Phitsanu Mahawong (Thailand)
14:15-14:20 Break
14:20-15:10 Oncology Tarmono Djojodimedjo (Indonesia)
14:20-14:40 Long-term Renal Function and CV Morbidity Following Wilms Tumor Survival Jae Min Chung (Korea)
14:40-15:00 Fertility Preservation Following Management of Pediatric GU Tumor Seung-Hun Song (Korea)
15:00-15:10 Free Paper: Oncology
15:00-15:05 Nomogram for Predicting Malignant Testicular Tumors in Children Based on Age, Alpha-fetoprotein, and Ultrasonography Min Wu (China)
15:05-15:10 Prenatally Diagnosed Intrascrotal Testicular Teratoma in an Infant Fumi Matsumoto (Japan)
15:10-15:15 Break
15:15-16:25 Laparoscopy and Robotics: Where Are We? Sujit Chowdhary (India)
15:15-15:35 Robotic Surgery in Pediatric Lower Urinary Tract Disease Sang Hoon Song (Korea)
15:35-15:55 Single Port Robotic Surgery Yong Seung Lee (Korea)
15:55-16:15 Application to Complex Reconstruction Venkat Sripathi (India)
16:15-16:25 Free Paper: Laparoscopy/Hypospadias
16:15-16:20 First 100 3D Retroperitoneal Laparoscopy Pyeloplasties in Our Part of the World: A Single-centered Study Sharjeel Saulat (Pakistan)
16:20-16:25 Complications Following Proximal Hypospadias Repair Using One-stage Transverse Preputial Island Tube Urethroplasty Xin Liu (China)
16:25-16:30 Break
16:30-17:30 Testis and DSD Te-Lu Yap (Singapore)
16:30-16:50 Suggested Age Limits in Orchiopexy _Are They Evidence Based? Subhasis Roy Choudhury (India)
16:50-17:10 Experiences in DSD Fumi Matsumoto (Japan)
17:10-17:30 Feminizing Genitoplasty: Shall We Preserve the Corporeal Bodies Phitsanu Mahawong (Thailand)
17:30-17:35 Break
17:35-18:05 Round Table Discussion
- Can Western Guidelines for DSD Hold for Asian Patients?
Chung Kwong Yeung (Hong Kong)
Subhasis Roy Choudhury (India)
Fumi Matsumoto (Japan)
Phitsanu Mahawong (Thailand)
Yi Yang (China)
18:05-18:10 Break
18:10-18:40 Free Paper: Testis and DSD Te-Lu Yap (Singapore)
18:10-18:15 The Value of Diagnostic Laparoscopy for Impalpable Testis in Children Jae Suk Park (Korea)
18:15-18:20 Metachronous Contralateral Occurrence of Hydrocele after Unilateral Hydrocelectomy in Children Younger than 8 Years Jae Min Chung (Korea)
18:20-18:25 Clinical Characteristics of Gonadal Dysplasia Caused by WT1 Gene Mutation Yu Mao (China)
18:25-18:30 Symptomatic Prostatic Utricle Cysts in Children Without External Genitalia Anomalies: A Single Institution's Experience Kok On Ho (Singapore)
18:30-18:35 Hydrocele of the Canal of Nuck in Female Pediatric Patients: A Report of Nine Cases Takeshi Shono (Japan)
18:35-18:40 Correlation between Mean Platelet Volume and Testicular Viability in Children with Testicular Torsion Meng He (China)
18:40 Adjourn
18:45-19:00 APAPU Online General Assembly
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